Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Palestinian Question..... by a female faust


The Day of Mercury in the week of Active Air. Mercury's function in Yetzirah is to actively communicate. To think. To know. To reason. Mercury teaches (by demonstration), the animation of Eidolons, the magick indwelling of icons by Spirit. Avoid any doctrine or religious movement that advocates a shameful wickedness with the alphabet. At 6:00 am, the Moon enters Aries and creates a powerful and auspicious Fire trine with Venus and Jupiter bookending the day (9:00 am ET). Aries represents the period from birth to seven months old, when as new borns, we experience everything as an extension of ourselves. Virtually all energy is devoted to having our needs met. On the World scale, Aries is between 48,000 BC and 26,000 BC, when the primitive Neanderthals were trounced upon by Cro-magnons. They were virtually identical to modern Homo Sapiens, yet anthropologists do not know from whence they came.
The Aries Moon can be so enthused with it's own adventure that it might seem a little arrogant. Don't take it personally.
The focus is on action, not reaction. Sobbing and laughing from the fjord to the poorhouse, the tattooed infant teethes,
balancing maliciously over the sea in the jejune elephantine dawn. The more “real” we can be about what’s happening,
the more realistic our response and speedy our rebirth and recovery until the twilight comes, and with it, the soft rustle-rustle-THUMP of the creeping caterpillars, hauling their rickety pianos out to the town square in ominous fashion. I don't mind telling you, I saw that lady, and I don't know how she gets away with it. With what? With uniformed or perhaps short-sighted desires. Make hay while the Sun shines! It’s a perfect day for initiating creative projects, or anything that you want to move quickly.

Mercury in Leo

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesdays in June at Metaversal Lightcraft

Making Contact Mercury Retrograde in Cancer June 7th to July 1st

Making Contact

Communicative Mercury entered emotional Cancer on May 29 to turn our minds inward. The need to understand ourselves and to transform feelings into thoughts is necessary before we can effectively speak about them with others. This process of reflection and review becomes even more significant as the messenger planet approaches its thrice-annual retrograde period that starts on June 7. This reversal cycle, lasting until July 1, is always about reflection and review, providing three weeks for rethinking critical issues while requiring greater clarity in communication and in managing details.

This particular Mercury retrograde is especially helpful for becoming more aware of how we connect with others because this speedy little planet backs into its airy home sign Gemini on June 17. Revisiting the chattiest part of the zodiac until July 12 offers many opportunities to recognize heretofore unconscious patterns of expression and avoidance that play major roles in personal and professional relationships. Normally, mentally charged Mercury is rooted in words. We share ideas, facts, opinions, speculation, jokes, insults, complaints and appreciation in verbal or written form. Yet with during this reversal period we may become aware that we’re missing something in our messages; that while making contact with our minds we fail to connect with our hearts.

Talking is used to both show and hide who we really are. But simply looking into someone’s eyes is an excellent way to meet on a deeper level. This doesn’t require a lengthy round of staring with your lover but can make magic happen in a matter of seconds. A brief moment of eye contact with a salesperson or a stranger can be enough to change a superficial contact into a meaningful one. There is something both powerful and vulnerable about meeting people in this way. No goal or great effort is required as the point is neither to please or to control anyone. It’s a simple means of connecting, from one person to another. There’s no demand, no expectation, just a simple energetic hookup that reminds us that we are parts of one human family. In doing so we honor the humanity in all of us.

I understand that making eye contact is difficult for some people, as if doing so allows them to be invaded by others. This may come from a fear of being judged or not wanting to impose yourself by entering someone else’s personal space. But guess what, it’s all personal; all of life is experienced personally and even the biggest, baddest boss or bully is vulnerable underneath their aura of authority. Sharing your humanity with a soulful look or a subtly lingering glance helps us to overcome isolation. And, perhaps, it will open new lines of communication that enable us to discover what we cannot find alone. This Mercury retrograde needn’t be known for mistakes and misunderstandings but can be a time when we deepen connections without words to remind us that we are one.

Jeff Jawer

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday January 29th

Wednesday January 29

The Day of Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, in the World/Week of Earth.
The stones attributed to Mercury are Opals and his metal is of course,
Quicksilver. All the action today is over by 8:47 am, giving us a day
to integrate, reconnoiter, and complete as we end the current lunar cycle
under a void moon. The Sun sextiles Uranus, a step in the closing of the
yearly cycle of quantum change that started last March 28. What progress
have you made since then? At 8:33 pm, the Moon’s entry into Aquarius
activates a flow of New Moon energy. It’s an easy, calm evening as
Moon in Aquarius connects with Mercury, the sole connection of the night.
It’s a great time to talk things out. It’s a dual use apocalypse. It is
granting sight on the one hand and it is creating blindness on the other.
For those being made blind, there is no awareness that this is taking place.
The adjustment of vision immediately transforms into normal, as if it was
always so. So many things are happening on so many levels. From the
cultural, to the financial to the governing bodies, reeking with corruption,
like a burning landfill in a third world country; the remnants of
civilization are picking through the wreckage. Today is a good day to make
our wishes for the new lunar cycle.