Saturday, December 28, 2013
Mercury in Capricorn
On Tuesday, December 24 cerebral Mercury entered orderly Capricorn. This began an 18-day period when minds seek structures and patterns in which to anchor our ideas. Organizing the details of our lives is a positive expression of this transit, yet there is also a risk of becoming intellectually rigid and obsessive about putting information, objects and people in the “right” places. The potential of locking into mental immobility plays an even more important role when Mercury joins the Sun in Capricorn on December 28. While there is hope that the creative solar force can spice up thinking with bright ideas, the Sun’s involvement puts will and ego into play, which can amplify the instinct to restrict reality with our minds. The cosmic message is to reform, renovate and make new traditions instead of rigidly holding onto the old ones. Whether we succeed or not will have a lot to do with how we handle Mercury in Capricorn. Rigid thinking can exacerbate the potential explosiveness of December 25 and leave chaos and confusion in its wake. So the irony is that the more tightly we try to control our world the more easily disrupted it becomes. It’s difficult to adapt to the surprises that appear to be in store for us when we’re stuck with an old rulebook that doesn’t leave room for exceptions. Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun on the 28th, therefore, could represent the last stand of old ideas that are not suited for the new world. Happily, there are other ways to use our minds that should prove to be effective under these volatile circumstances. Clear thinking is different than conditioned thinking. It has an inherent objectivity that offers the widest range of perception possible. Cerebral Mercury is naturally objective until it’s colored by rules and dressed in regulations that inhibit original thought. Conditioned thinking is about preservation rather than discovery, which might be useful in a museum but isn’t valuable in a living, breathing, changing reality. Capricorn, in spite of its reputation for authority and control, is a practical, season starting Cardinal sign whose conservatism is meant to nourish growth rather than to stop it. The pragmatic way to go these days is not to retreat from the rising tides of change, but to build a vehicle of clear consciousness that allows us to lead the way. In fact, the primary challenges of these times and through next two years is to become leaders instead of being followers. Resistance to change is futile but energetically engaging in forging ahead with new personal habits and professional aspirations is how we can succeed. Practicing these habits by making small changes in safe areas of life is perfect preparation for taking bigger steps in riskier areas. Whether it’s opening our hearts in spite of fear of intimacy or shifting careers in an uncertain economy, the solutions we seek come from the courage and creativity of our actions rather than the rules imposed by external authorities. Clear thinking frees us to be in the present, which is the best place from which to create the future.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Wednesday December 11
Wednesday December 11

The Day of Mercury in Waterweek. Expansive Sagittarius can be overwhelming to detail-oriented Mercury. Small things are easily blown out of proportion. Facts are out of whack. Tall tales abound. Yet, this is also when the lens of perception is widened and the mind opens. We could charm a snake from a cat’s vagina just by snoring. We could steer a tank with our diction even if you numbed our tongue with a lethartonic unguent. Mercury in Sagittarius can be a time of enthusiastic words, confident messages and creative communication, but big promises may stretch the truth. The trick is to drop your prejudices, but not your reason. In the desire to find one big answer to all of life's questions it is easy to overlook nuance and
appreciate different points of view. Sagittarius looks toward the future, so that perceptive Mercury's presence here
supports visions of tomorrow. The trick is to fill in all the details so that the picture you're selling is the one
that actually develops. The Moon carries on in Aries, completing its activation of the Cardinal Cross with contacts
to Pluto and Jupiter, providing hints into what we will gain through Jupiter’s retrograde and an opportunity to further
our goals.

The Day of Mercury in Waterweek. Expansive Sagittarius can be overwhelming to detail-oriented Mercury. Small things are easily blown out of proportion. Facts are out of whack. Tall tales abound. Yet, this is also when the lens of perception is widened and the mind opens. We could charm a snake from a cat’s vagina just by snoring. We could steer a tank with our diction even if you numbed our tongue with a lethartonic unguent. Mercury in Sagittarius can be a time of enthusiastic words, confident messages and creative communication, but big promises may stretch the truth. The trick is to drop your prejudices, but not your reason. In the desire to find one big answer to all of life's questions it is easy to overlook nuance and
appreciate different points of view. Sagittarius looks toward the future, so that perceptive Mercury's presence here
supports visions of tomorrow. The trick is to fill in all the details so that the picture you're selling is the one
that actually develops. The Moon carries on in Aries, completing its activation of the Cardinal Cross with contacts
to Pluto and Jupiter, providing hints into what we will gain through Jupiter’s retrograde and an opportunity to further
our goals.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
December 4th: Mercury shoots into Sagittarius
Wednesday December 4
The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Fire, Atziluth. Visualize your self wearing sneakers with wings as you read this. Mercury's function is to think. To know. To reason. There is no foot race to win here. Language is his playground. The Akasic Library is his home. And oh yes, Hermes is a Love god. He likes the sound of his own voice. Write a poem, a sonnet, or some erotica today and them transmit that information to at least one other person. Cerebral Mercury, the master of data and details, is less concerned with practical matters during its three-week transit in big-thinking Sagittarius. This farsighted point of view is useful for spurring intuition, inspiration and recognizing lofty principles, but can make us less effective at dealing with facts. Aspirations may blossom in this high-minded environment, yet a failure to ground them in reality is a possible risk..The Moon enters Capricorn just before sunrise. Capricorn represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 7 weeks until 12 weeks after Conception, when the embryo becomes a fetus, and the sex and physical appearance are determined. The body takes form through it's skeletal system. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Capricorn represents the integration and structuring of the higher perceptions of the Self in the World on a practical level. On the World scale, Capricorn occupies the period between AD 1750 and AD 1840. This was the time when the ideology of Sagittarius was translated into material form. Humanity evinced a superiority over the forces of nature, and the Industrial revolution began. Romanticism surrounded the likes of
Shelly, Goethe, Byron, and Chopin, reacting to the cold prevailing mechanistic World view. Rudolph Steiner said
that the human being is created, and destined to be, a self-defining creature. Are we slightly higher than monkeys
or slightly lower than angels? Good old fashion hard work yields the answer. Monkeys and Angels are set to grind
corn with the Sun in Capricorn. Tackle those long term projects and remember, the Mountain must be tackled one step
at a time.
The Day of Mercury in the kabbalistic World of Fire, Atziluth. Visualize your self wearing sneakers with wings as you read this. Mercury's function is to think. To know. To reason. There is no foot race to win here. Language is his playground. The Akasic Library is his home. And oh yes, Hermes is a Love god. He likes the sound of his own voice. Write a poem, a sonnet, or some erotica today and them transmit that information to at least one other person. Cerebral Mercury, the master of data and details, is less concerned with practical matters during its three-week transit in big-thinking Sagittarius. This farsighted point of view is useful for spurring intuition, inspiration and recognizing lofty principles, but can make us less effective at dealing with facts. Aspirations may blossom in this high-minded environment, yet a failure to ground them in reality is a possible risk..The Moon enters Capricorn just before sunrise. Capricorn represents, on the level of the first octave, the period between 7 weeks until 12 weeks after Conception, when the embryo becomes a fetus, and the sex and physical appearance are determined. The body takes form through it's skeletal system. On the level of the fourth octave (see Chapter 9 of the Metaversal Lightcraft Training Manual for more on the Four Octaves), Capricorn represents the integration and structuring of the higher perceptions of the Self in the World on a practical level. On the World scale, Capricorn occupies the period between AD 1750 and AD 1840. This was the time when the ideology of Sagittarius was translated into material form. Humanity evinced a superiority over the forces of nature, and the Industrial revolution began. Romanticism surrounded the likes of
Shelly, Goethe, Byron, and Chopin, reacting to the cold prevailing mechanistic World view. Rudolph Steiner said
that the human being is created, and destined to be, a self-defining creature. Are we slightly higher than monkeys
or slightly lower than angels? Good old fashion hard work yields the answer. Monkeys and Angels are set to grind
corn with the Sun in Capricorn. Tackle those long term projects and remember, the Mountain must be tackled one step
at a time.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Wednesday, November 20

Wednesday November 20
The Day of Mercury in the week of active Air, and the communication planet, now moving forward, reaches the thick of the
planetary degree-cluster for the third of three times (prior hits October 6-8 and November 1) as it links with Uranus,
Pluto, and Chiron today. What more do you know now than at the beginning of October? How have things changed for you?
The Moon goes into instinctual Cancer at 3:23 am, to take us through the gauntlet of Cardinal planets once again, from
an emotional perspective. Thought and heart reach harmony by day’s end. Tear down the pyramids and let whales dine on the
mummies of kings! Let it spur you into action if you are following a plan. Do not expect curb service with the mind that we had previously, because we now Have a Quantum Mind Deluxe . Love is the Law. With the subtlety of a sledgehammer, thought and expression, the depth of imagination, and the ability to think non-verbally inspire you to create beautiful art and music. Cyclonic Banshee Satori is the new mantra we assign to you free of charge. You want one of the round thingies, too? A mandala? All we have left are the ones with Aztec Mermaids in Cowboy Hats Riding Turquoise Emus. Oh, you’ve already got one of those? Well, you’ll have to wait if you want the Hedge-Devas on Bumblebees. The monkeys saw this coming and stayed in the trees, but now they descend to raze our mini-golf shrines and cut loose our pets from their leashes. v
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: Revising Perceptions by Jeff Jawer
The communication planet Mercury turned retrograde on Monday, October 21 and will continue moving in reverse until November 10. Astrologers describe this thrice annual event as a period when we tend to make more mistakes. Misunderstood messages, misinterpreted information, technology and travel troubles are expected more frequently during this period. However, this is an extra special Mercury retrograde cycle that presents additional problems as well as unique opportunities.
First, its occurrence in mysterious Scorpio can drive minds deep below the surface to uncover hidden fears and desires, which can be painful but is excellent for gaining psychological insights. It’s vital to work with these uncomfortable truths rather than sweeping them under the rug. Trust is at a premium in this sometimes suspicious sign, so don’t share your secrets or those of others unless you have complete confidence in the person with whom you’re talking. Discretion is a must and when in doubt keep intimate information to yourself until you can express it in complete safety.
Second, Mercury meets stern Saturn, which is in the midst of its two-year stay in Scorpio. The first of their three conjunctions occurred on October 8, the second (and the only one during this retrograde period) is on October 29 and the last is on November 25. This triple transit of mental Mercury and exigent Saturn can force the mind into narrow spaces and manifest itself as depression or doubt. Yet the focus of these aspects can also filter out distractions and enable us to deepen thinking and master critical details.
A key quality of any Mercury retrograde is that it offers second chances to correct errors, reconnect with people and absorb information that we didn’t get the first time around. Doing this in dense dark Scorpio requires us to stay calm in what can feel like threatening situations. True, change is inevitable and in many cases scary, yet the constant movement of the planets is a reminder that life is a dynamic process and that there are times like these when standing still is more dangerous than making changes.
Mercury in Scorpio, retrograde or direct, conjunct Saturn or not, represents the mind of a skeptical researcher. It’s about using negative thinking to get positive results. This is addition by subtraction as we eliminate ideas that don’t serve our needs to make room for those that will. Still, Mercury is a trickster and is especially adept at fooling us when retrograde and in mysterious Scorpio. Therefore, this is a time to learn (or relearn) that thoughts and reality are not the same thing. Our perceptions can mislead us with false clues and erroneous assumptions, which is where the value of a doubting mind comes in. We can and should question facts and conclusions based on what we see and hear.
The truth, or at least a version of it, lies in our emotions. Those feelings that lie below the level of conscious thought and those aspirations that exist beyond the limits of reason are powerful and meaningful forces. Perhaps we can use this Mercury retrograde period to take a step back from the obvious to sense, feel and connect with the unexplainable mysteries in ourselves and in the world around us. Maybe letting go of the intellectual certainty we seek is what it takes to open doors of consciousness to other dimensions. Since the primary explanations we collectively have about human existence are either dimmed with religious faith or limited by scientific analysis it’s time to open new channels of information, and by the force of our will, if necessary. Don’t let doubt and fear extinguish curiosity or allow the walls of the obvious keep us from discovering the deeper answers that we need to face the challenges of these transformational times.
First, its occurrence in mysterious Scorpio can drive minds deep below the surface to uncover hidden fears and desires, which can be painful but is excellent for gaining psychological insights. It’s vital to work with these uncomfortable truths rather than sweeping them under the rug. Trust is at a premium in this sometimes suspicious sign, so don’t share your secrets or those of others unless you have complete confidence in the person with whom you’re talking. Discretion is a must and when in doubt keep intimate information to yourself until you can express it in complete safety.
Second, Mercury meets stern Saturn, which is in the midst of its two-year stay in Scorpio. The first of their three conjunctions occurred on October 8, the second (and the only one during this retrograde period) is on October 29 and the last is on November 25. This triple transit of mental Mercury and exigent Saturn can force the mind into narrow spaces and manifest itself as depression or doubt. Yet the focus of these aspects can also filter out distractions and enable us to deepen thinking and master critical details.
A key quality of any Mercury retrograde is that it offers second chances to correct errors, reconnect with people and absorb information that we didn’t get the first time around. Doing this in dense dark Scorpio requires us to stay calm in what can feel like threatening situations. True, change is inevitable and in many cases scary, yet the constant movement of the planets is a reminder that life is a dynamic process and that there are times like these when standing still is more dangerous than making changes.
Mercury in Scorpio, retrograde or direct, conjunct Saturn or not, represents the mind of a skeptical researcher. It’s about using negative thinking to get positive results. This is addition by subtraction as we eliminate ideas that don’t serve our needs to make room for those that will. Still, Mercury is a trickster and is especially adept at fooling us when retrograde and in mysterious Scorpio. Therefore, this is a time to learn (or relearn) that thoughts and reality are not the same thing. Our perceptions can mislead us with false clues and erroneous assumptions, which is where the value of a doubting mind comes in. We can and should question facts and conclusions based on what we see and hear.
The truth, or at least a version of it, lies in our emotions. Those feelings that lie below the level of conscious thought and those aspirations that exist beyond the limits of reason are powerful and meaningful forces. Perhaps we can use this Mercury retrograde period to take a step back from the obvious to sense, feel and connect with the unexplainable mysteries in ourselves and in the world around us. Maybe letting go of the intellectual certainty we seek is what it takes to open doors of consciousness to other dimensions. Since the primary explanations we collectively have about human existence are either dimmed with religious faith or limited by scientific analysis it’s time to open new channels of information, and by the force of our will, if necessary. Don’t let doubt and fear extinguish curiosity or allow the walls of the obvious keep us from discovering the deeper answers that we need to face the challenges of these transformational times.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The Fool's Journey: How I Spent My Sumnmer Vacation by Western Tantric Yogi, Johannes Ayres*

As summer has ended I felt it incumbent on me to invite you to a thunderstorm which is scheduled to take place inside my trousers as well as relate to my fellow Lightpilots some of the highlights of this past summer, in this, the
Post Apocalyptic Renaissance. This was White Rabbit Season, when we could say “White Rabbit!” upon awakening to activate
unconscious forces of magick and in where the slow motion trainwreck that is life on planet Earth at this point in Post-Time both shocks and awes anyone paying attention. Accessing the Divine. Lighting up like a firebombed motorcade. Becoming the oracle. Heralding the new foundation and learn to surf
the cool lava which even now fills the mould of this exalted collective spiraltechnic thoughtform. The least I could do was be magnificent. Reaching through the television haze and strangling my archetypes. They were beginning to wonder if they’d ever feel my hands around their throats. If I succeeded, all the rats will wear jewellery. The trees will be raked of lizards nightly. No one will ever go hungry without a permit. Skyscrapers will be
renamed cloudsnaggers. Giant maple keys will come spiralling from the sky to cut off the heads of the Evil Ones and delight the children. Pussycats will climb willow trees to eat the cicadas, but the cicadas’ wits will be sharpened by this and they will never be caught, their wings will sing forever until they evolve beyond us into the supercreatures of the new millennium (meantime, we put them on our flag). Horses will get birthday cakes. Punches will be thrown out of windows, showering spirits upon those living below the party line. Nightcaps will be dislodged an hour later on holidays, extending daylight for the revellers and looters. Aperitifs will be served in the deserts and a pair of teeth will be served in the desserts. I will say no more on the subject.
BUT IF I DID NOT SUCCEED, an era of dark depravity will reign, such as you’ve not seen since the mid-70s or so. The tails of your chihuahuas will droop. Caterpillars will not turn to butterflies but instead grow to monstrous size and lie rotting on our thoroughfares, tying up traffic in the Grape Vine and stinking to the heavens. The elderly will wear hotpants. No one will ever know what time it is, but all will have the sense that it must be getting very, very late. Forget-me-nots will be renamed what-the-hell-are-these-things. The Beast of War will ravage the globe, and there will be nothing on TV except reruns of curling matches and infomercials about wheatgrass grow-kits. Chickadees will fornicate with badgers. Car alarms will become contagious, a single incident setting automobiles squonking and whooping for miles. It will become impossible to get a decent sandwich anywhere. The denizens of Hell will walk the earth in pink lycra gymsuits, their Walkmans blaring Vivaldi. And moths will eat your pillows. Equinoxes usher in the autumn and spring seasons, when life’s seasonal rebalancing occurs. We can invoke appropriate rebalancing for this next quarter, as we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox. You needn’t dress in any but the most perfunctory manner nor bring any crickets
(there will be plenty of those!)In her maturity Libra’s vision expands from her early romanticism to encompass a love so balanced that the beloved is not placed higher than the lover, and selfish ego concerns do not motivate the relationship. Lover and beloved, friend and friend, are equal; their needs are not in conflict or bargained over but pooled and shared openly in Libran trust. Libra loves her friend as she loves herself, for she knows that the breath of Maat, the Cosmic Consciousness, flows equally through one as through the other. By the way, I can see the dunes from the third-storey window of my cabin, and they are
absolutely still – not a grain moving – at this time of year. A few weeks ago, transiting Mars was squaring Jupiter in the chart of the of 2011 Kazuo Hirai, Shiro Kambe, Shinji Hasejima crisis in Japan — when a flurry of news stories appeared about the Fukishima reactor. One featured a shamefaced confession by the plant’s directors, who have been lying through their teeth for two years
straight. Enough of them are working around the clock to uphold the brutal vision of misery, the current temporal quotient of suffering, despondency, and total abject dread. Now they were confirming that the amounts of radioactivity detected in surrounding groundwater have increased steadily since the meltdown. The official story now matches up with what residents and investigative journalists have known for a while. As the plant has been leaking contaminated water into the
ocean, the truth has been leaking into the collective mind. Pluto governs plutonium, of course, and Uranus uranium. It took a quarter turn of Jupiter (widespread dissemination) for the information to fully break through the crust of humanity’s denial.
The sky is reverberating with the events of two years ago, and so are the Japanese people. On the day Uranus (protest) stationed, July 17th, there were huge anti-nuclear rallies in Tokyo —
the largest that nation has ever seen. Not known for being politically demonstrative, the Japanese public poured into the streets in the hundreds of thousands, demanding an end to the nuclear industry and the resignation of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda for having enabled the cover-ups. Mercury enters its Retrograde Shadow October 3rd. when it reaches 2°29' Scorpio, forming the echo chamber that will bring events in
threes. What we say and the connections we make now, both internal and external, take on more significance as part of a
cleansing process.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Yogi's Lightcrafting Journal: Iaohannes' reports from the path
Heart Lock must be Opened from Outside! Yogi's Journal: Post Mars Pre Venus/Sun The Heart Lock must be Opened from Outside! With the Sun now in the watery womb of Cancer, we experience the full opening of the Gaudi folds, the great Divine Mother Terminal portal into the New energy pattern. Increasingly now (and through July 2014), the energy moves into the Cardinal zone. July is always the season of zodiac sign Cancer, one of the four Cardinal signs (with Aries, Libra, and Capricorn). My older brother Robert is a Cancer. What most people think he needs is a good old-fashioned kick in the stomach, and this he would have received had the car doors not been locked. But such was his luck. He could charm a snake from a cat’s vagina just by snoring. He could steer a tank with his diction even if you numbed his tongue with a lethartonic unguent. And yet even the slightest breeze seemed to send him into a blazing legislative fury. Most notably, two significant and palpable shifts have just occurred as July opened, mimicking last year’s encounter with relationship fate in the same time frame, the last week of June. First was Jupiter’s ingress into Cancer, on June 25, followed by Mercury’s retrograde station, on June 26, at 23°07' Cancer, lasting until July 20. Both events place striking and immediate emphasis on the emotional wisdom of this Water sign. In addition, the Sun, and by July 13, Mars, are passing through Cancer as well. Venus completed her transit
through the sign in June, giving us insights into what we need and can do with our increased sensitivity.
This would certainly be a challenge by itself. But when we add to it Uranus and Pluto, which have taken up long-term
residence in Aries and Capricorn, a lot of connections are being made beneath the surface to bring about the
effects we have been working hard to create for so long. The Rite of Mars on Tuesday July 2nd took place not in
the originally slated Kandahar Air Field in Afghanistan but rather in the Lower Bottoms in the heat of the
California Sun.Fireworks resulted, quite literally, with a series of piercing truths that reverberated deep into the soul, then exploded in a flashing display of life realignment. Hello Kiddies, the IAO Core Pop Up Store, which was made manifest on the physical plane on the streets of Renaissance Oakland (specifically the corner of 24th and Valley, between Telegraph and Broadway) for the First Friday Art Murmur on the 5th. What was so cool about the IAO Core Pop Up Store? 30 of ya'll bought the brand spanking new issue of The Core (#147) and otherwise got their mitts on the largest selection of IAO Core memorabilia available: Tour Posters, Tour Shirts, rare IAO Core CD's. Special guests performed requests of your favorite IAO Core tunes and watched the new videos
from this Summer's Rites of Eleusis Tour on the big screen.....Next up, the Rite of the Sun which will take place
Sunday, July 14th at Pine Bottom Park in Oakland, right across the street from our new recording studio.
This Mercury retrograde, how's that been treating you, huh? Most of Mercury's pass is bassackward through an
empty patch of sky we like to call an "Empty Patch of Sky" in stark contrast to where it was in February-March,
when it was caugh in flagrante with nearly all of the planets. What happens when Mercury meets thin air? Mercury is
the Messenger of the Gods (planets), and when he doesn’t run into any of them in the course of his
backward travel, he has no packets to carry to us. There are no special messages about how to adjust to make things
flow more smoothly, by direct action. In Cancer, this has to do with our feelings and “instinctuitions”, which our
mind often blocks. During the retrograde the mind (Mercury) is disengaged, and we may find ourselves compelled
to take certain actions, perhaps even unconsciously. We may respond to long-standing dilemmas in a new way.
Ray Bolger, the essteemed actor who played the scarecrow in the original MgM Wizard of Oz, once dated my
grandmother (knowing her I can't beleive they didn't respond to long-standing dilemmas in a new way by having sex!)
Ironically, just like a special Aquarius friend of mine. (Yes, I know all Aquarians are special friends of mine),
but anywho, lets get back to my Grandma and the Scarecrow. Ray( a Virgo) had two versions of Brain Damage, but no
Eclipse! I might expose my special friend to the phenomenon now affectionately called.
"The Dark Side of the Rainbow" as she is still a virgin in that regard.) Mr. Bolger used to call everything names,
and when he ran out of names he called them numbers, and when he ran out of numbers he called
the police. They gave him a series of classified numbers in exchange for a suitable amount of disinformation,
and off he went again, railing spools of numerals at countless items, some of which he had to hallucinate in order to
satisfy the quota he’d been granted. In the end he expired with a single number on his tongue – the number of duality, 2 –
and it was this number which served as the only designation on his tombstone. A sad footnote: the engraver (some say a Taoist, some say a student of the occult) rendered the number as a horizontal line overlain by a broken line (the ‘yang’ and ‘yin’ of heathen theosophy).
Around the year 2000 AD, some vandals scorched a circle around the lines, reducing the binary epitaph to a mockery of
the vulgar hedonistic pictogram of orthodox latterday hippiedom: a ‘happy face’ with deadened eyes and slack smile.
Have a Morose day. A skink rolled across his grave in the form of a pentacle. I can't help but think he would have
gotten a kick outta that! In case you didn't catch the timing (Timing is Everything) on this years Metaversal
Lightcraft Tantra Workshop, it coincides with the performance of the Rites of Eleusis by my band of time-traveling
sex magicians, IAO Core... and I/We, there is great wisdom in our instinctual knowing, our irrational senses,
and our intuitive insights, because they give evidence of the soul’s true desires and purpose. This is the time to
let them come forward and become firmly ensconced in our core, where our purpose and intention lie. If you are celebrating your birthday on any date from June 26 to July 20, Mercury will be retrograde in your chart for the coming yearly
birth cycle (solar return) chart. Lucky you! You’ll be learning about something you never knew before, treading
in unfamiliar territory. The years when Mercury is retrograde in your birth-cycle chart (once every eight years)
are exciting and memorable. (Cancers, think back eight years to see if that isn’t true.) How can we use the new
four-month Mercury season for our greatest benefit? For each person, the effects are individual, especially when
Mercury encounters none of the planets we hold in common (the transiting planets). If your birth chart carries
placements at 13-23° in any Cardinal sign, a spotlight will shine on those planets, prompting a transformation
involving a situation symbolized by those placements. You will experience an unfolding of personal growth, with
inner transformations during the retrograde. While we can introduce outer changes during this time, they will
dealwith the past until July 9, when we enter the next four-month Mercury cycle. We turn to what’s new on July 9
(the Sun-Mercury conjunction or New Mercury), and we have the next 3½ months to bring those changes forward in
our visible world. To use this energy well, do not hesitate to take action during a Mercury retrograde if it is
called for, but don’t contrive anything just to get a response.
We are tempted to do this especially when we feel like nothing is happening. Other planetary milestones came as
Saturn’s retrograde finally ended on July 7, and Uranus’s commences on July 17.
Venus in Leo challenges us to use Saturn well by outlasting the obstacles and masks of separation.
In these Fixed signs, we succeed by using attrition (to dissolve the old energies) and perseverance
(to build the new). Doubts must be cast out. If you want it, stick with it unwaveringly.As Uranus enters
its retrograde, we get to see what seeds we planted at the end of March, whether we’ve been tending them well. They carry the gift of love, and the nurturance we give them will not be wasted, even if success seems unlikely now. With flighty and reactionary Uranus, a light touch is all that is required to bring the right amount of fertile shock into the situation that needs shifting. Above all, Uranus wants freedom, and in Aries he stands up for the sanctity of individuality. Stand up for yourself without impinging on others, and you’ll have the balance right.
Our selfhood is a work in progress that Uranus will help us see in a more nuanced form that has been
evolving since 2010. Before we can reinvent the world, we have to reinvent ourselves.
We have to make up new stories about ourselves, and rewrite the tales we tell about our past in terms
of the “wins”—the lessons we learned—and our inner reality, not the way others see and judge what occurred.
As we get our doses of “Full Pluto”—the awakening to transformation throughout June-July, we understand with
growing clarity what we stand for, and how we need to reimagine who we are. When we are doing well in society’s
terms, we tend to hang on to the structures we have built around us; but when things aren’t going so well,
we often feel have less to lose and are willing to step more fully into living by what we know to be
through the sign in June, giving us insights into what we need and can do with our increased sensitivity.
This would certainly be a challenge by itself. But when we add to it Uranus and Pluto, which have taken up long-term
residence in Aries and Capricorn, a lot of connections are being made beneath the surface to bring about the
effects we have been working hard to create for so long. The Rite of Mars on Tuesday July 2nd took place not in
the originally slated Kandahar Air Field in Afghanistan but rather in the Lower Bottoms in the heat of the
California Sun.Fireworks resulted, quite literally, with a series of piercing truths that reverberated deep into the soul, then exploded in a flashing display of life realignment. Hello Kiddies, the IAO Core Pop Up Store, which was made manifest on the physical plane on the streets of Renaissance Oakland (specifically the corner of 24th and Valley, between Telegraph and Broadway) for the First Friday Art Murmur on the 5th. What was so cool about the IAO Core Pop Up Store? 30 of ya'll bought the brand spanking new issue of The Core (#147) and otherwise got their mitts on the largest selection of IAO Core memorabilia available: Tour Posters, Tour Shirts, rare IAO Core CD's. Special guests performed requests of your favorite IAO Core tunes and watched the new videos
from this Summer's Rites of Eleusis Tour on the big screen.....Next up, the Rite of the Sun which will take place
Sunday, July 14th at Pine Bottom Park in Oakland, right across the street from our new recording studio.
This Mercury retrograde, how's that been treating you, huh? Most of Mercury's pass is bassackward through an
empty patch of sky we like to call an "Empty Patch of Sky" in stark contrast to where it was in February-March,
when it was caugh in flagrante with nearly all of the planets. What happens when Mercury meets thin air? Mercury is
the Messenger of the Gods (planets), and when he doesn’t run into any of them in the course of his
backward travel, he has no packets to carry to us. There are no special messages about how to adjust to make things
flow more smoothly, by direct action. In Cancer, this has to do with our feelings and “instinctuitions”, which our
mind often blocks. During the retrograde the mind (Mercury) is disengaged, and we may find ourselves compelled
to take certain actions, perhaps even unconsciously. We may respond to long-standing dilemmas in a new way.
Ray Bolger, the essteemed actor who played the scarecrow in the original MgM Wizard of Oz, once dated my
grandmother (knowing her I can't beleive they didn't respond to long-standing dilemmas in a new way by having sex!)
Ironically, just like a special Aquarius friend of mine. (Yes, I know all Aquarians are special friends of mine),
but anywho, lets get back to my Grandma and the Scarecrow. Ray( a Virgo) had two versions of Brain Damage, but no
Eclipse! I might expose my special friend to the phenomenon now affectionately called.
"The Dark Side of the Rainbow" as she is still a virgin in that regard.) Mr. Bolger used to call everything names,
and when he ran out of names he called them numbers, and when he ran out of numbers he called
the police. They gave him a series of classified numbers in exchange for a suitable amount of disinformation,
and off he went again, railing spools of numerals at countless items, some of which he had to hallucinate in order to
satisfy the quota he’d been granted. In the end he expired with a single number on his tongue – the number of duality, 2 –
and it was this number which served as the only designation on his tombstone. A sad footnote: the engraver (some say a Taoist, some say a student of the occult) rendered the number as a horizontal line overlain by a broken line (the ‘yang’ and ‘yin’ of heathen theosophy).
Around the year 2000 AD, some vandals scorched a circle around the lines, reducing the binary epitaph to a mockery of
the vulgar hedonistic pictogram of orthodox latterday hippiedom: a ‘happy face’ with deadened eyes and slack smile.
Have a Morose day. A skink rolled across his grave in the form of a pentacle. I can't help but think he would have
gotten a kick outta that! In case you didn't catch the timing (Timing is Everything) on this years Metaversal
Lightcraft Tantra Workshop, it coincides with the performance of the Rites of Eleusis by my band of time-traveling
sex magicians, IAO Core... and I/We, there is great wisdom in our instinctual knowing, our irrational senses,
and our intuitive insights, because they give evidence of the soul’s true desires and purpose. This is the time to
let them come forward and become firmly ensconced in our core, where our purpose and intention lie. If you are celebrating your birthday on any date from June 26 to July 20, Mercury will be retrograde in your chart for the coming yearly
birth cycle (solar return) chart. Lucky you! You’ll be learning about something you never knew before, treading
in unfamiliar territory. The years when Mercury is retrograde in your birth-cycle chart (once every eight years)
are exciting and memorable. (Cancers, think back eight years to see if that isn’t true.) How can we use the new
four-month Mercury season for our greatest benefit? For each person, the effects are individual, especially when
Mercury encounters none of the planets we hold in common (the transiting planets). If your birth chart carries
placements at 13-23° in any Cardinal sign, a spotlight will shine on those planets, prompting a transformation
involving a situation symbolized by those placements. You will experience an unfolding of personal growth, with
inner transformations during the retrograde. While we can introduce outer changes during this time, they will
dealwith the past until July 9, when we enter the next four-month Mercury cycle. We turn to what’s new on July 9
(the Sun-Mercury conjunction or New Mercury), and we have the next 3½ months to bring those changes forward in
our visible world. To use this energy well, do not hesitate to take action during a Mercury retrograde if it is
called for, but don’t contrive anything just to get a response.
We are tempted to do this especially when we feel like nothing is happening. Other planetary milestones came as
Saturn’s retrograde finally ended on July 7, and Uranus’s commences on July 17.
Venus in Leo challenges us to use Saturn well by outlasting the obstacles and masks of separation.
In these Fixed signs, we succeed by using attrition (to dissolve the old energies) and perseverance
(to build the new). Doubts must be cast out. If you want it, stick with it unwaveringly.As Uranus enters
its retrograde, we get to see what seeds we planted at the end of March, whether we’ve been tending them well. They carry the gift of love, and the nurturance we give them will not be wasted, even if success seems unlikely now. With flighty and reactionary Uranus, a light touch is all that is required to bring the right amount of fertile shock into the situation that needs shifting. Above all, Uranus wants freedom, and in Aries he stands up for the sanctity of individuality. Stand up for yourself without impinging on others, and you’ll have the balance right.
Our selfhood is a work in progress that Uranus will help us see in a more nuanced form that has been
evolving since 2010. Before we can reinvent the world, we have to reinvent ourselves.
We have to make up new stories about ourselves, and rewrite the tales we tell about our past in terms
of the “wins”—the lessons we learned—and our inner reality, not the way others see and judge what occurred.
As we get our doses of “Full Pluto”—the awakening to transformation throughout June-July, we understand with
growing clarity what we stand for, and how we need to reimagine who we are. When we are doing well in society’s
terms, we tend to hang on to the structures we have built around us; but when things aren’t going so well,
we often feel have less to lose and are willing to step more fully into living by what we know to be
Sunday, March 24, 2013
In the Words of Laurie Anderson
I met this guy - and he looked like might have been a hat check clerk at an ice rink. which, in fact, he turned out to be. and I said: oh boy. right again. let x=x. you know, it could be you. it Sky-blue sky. satellites are out tonight. let x=x. you know, I could write a book. and this book would be thick enough to stun an ox. cause I can see the future and it's a place - about 70 miles East of here. where it's lighter. linger on over here. got the time? let x=x. I got this postcard. and it read, it said: dear amigo - dear partner. listen, uh - I just want to say thanks. so...thank you Thanks for all the presents. thanks for introducing me to the chief. thanks for putting on the feedbag. thanks for going all out. thanks for showing me your swiss army knife. and uh - thanks for letting me autograph your cast. hug and kisses. xxxxoooo. oh yeah, p.s. I - feel - feel like - I am - in a burning building - and I gotta go. cause I - I feel - feel like - I am - in a burning building
I gotta go.
O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
Hi. I'm not home right now. But if you want to leave a
message, just start talking at the sound of the tone.
Hello? This is your Mother. Are you there? Are you
coming home?
Hello? Is anybody home? Well, you don't know me,
but I know you.
And I've got a message to give to you.
Here come the planes.
So you better get ready. Ready to go. You can come
as you are, but pay as you go. Pay as you go.
And I said: OK. Who is this really? And the voice said:
This is the hand, the hand that takes. This is the
hand, the hand that takes.
This is the hand, the hand that takes.
Here come the planes.
They're American planes. Made in America.
Smoking or non-smoking?
And the voice said: Neither snow nor rain nor gloom
of night shall stay these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds.
'Cause when love is gone, there's always justice.
And when justive is gone, there's always force.
And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi Mom!
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me,
Mom, in your long arms.
In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms.
In your arms.
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms.
Good evening.
This is your Captain.
We are about to attempt a crash landing.
Please extinuish all cigarettes.
Place your tray tables in their upright, locked position.
Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees.
Your Captain says: Put your head on your hands.
Captain says: Put your hands on your head.
Put your hands on your hips.
Heh heh.
This is your Captain-and we are going down.
We are all going down, together.
And I said: Uh oh.
This is gonna be some day.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Uh-this is your Captain again.
You know, I've got a funny feeling
I've seen this all before.
Cause I'm a caveman.
Cause I've got eyes in the back of my head.
It's the heat.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Put your hands over your eyes.
Jump out of the plane.
There is no pilot.
You are not alone.
This is the time.
And this is the
record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much
I saw this guy on the train
And he seemed to have gotten stuck
In one of those abstract trances.
And he was going: "Ugh . . . Ugh . . . Ugh . . . "
And Fred said:
l think he's in some kind of pain.I think it's a pain cry.
And I said: "Pain cry?
Then language is a virus."
Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!
Well I was talking to a friend
And I was saying:
I wanted you.
And I was looking for yov.
But I couldn't find you. I couldn't find you.
And he said: Hey!
Are you talking to me?
Or are you just practicing
For one of those performances of yours?
Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!
He said: I had to write that letter to your mother
And I had to tell the judge that it was you.
And I had to sell the car and go to Florida.
Becaure that's just my way of saying (It's a charm.)
That I love you. And I (It's a job.)
Had to call you at the crack of dawn (Why?)
And list the times that I've been wrong.
Cause that's just my way of saying
That I'm sorry. (It's a job.)
Language! It's a virus!
I met this guy - and he looked like might have been a hat check clerk at an ice rink. which, in fact, he turned out to be. and I said: oh boy. right again. let x=x. you know, it could be you. it Sky-blue sky. satellites are out tonight. let x=x. you know, I could write a book. and this book would be thick enough to stun an ox. cause I can see the future and it's a place - about 70 miles East of here. where it's lighter. linger on over here. got the time? let x=x. I got this postcard. and it read, it said: dear amigo - dear partner. listen, uh - I just want to say thanks. so...thank you Thanks for all the presents. thanks for introducing me to the chief. thanks for putting on the feedbag. thanks for going all out. thanks for showing me your swiss army knife. and uh - thanks for letting me autograph your cast. hug and kisses. xxxxoooo. oh yeah, p.s. I - feel - feel like - I am - in a burning building - and I gotta go. cause I - I feel - feel like - I am - in a burning building
I gotta go.
O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
Hi. I'm not home right now. But if you want to leave a
message, just start talking at the sound of the tone.
Hello? This is your Mother. Are you there? Are you
coming home?
Hello? Is anybody home? Well, you don't know me,
but I know you.
And I've got a message to give to you.
Here come the planes.
So you better get ready. Ready to go. You can come
as you are, but pay as you go. Pay as you go.
And I said: OK. Who is this really? And the voice said:
This is the hand, the hand that takes. This is the
hand, the hand that takes.
This is the hand, the hand that takes.
Here come the planes.
They're American planes. Made in America.
Smoking or non-smoking?
And the voice said: Neither snow nor rain nor gloom
of night shall stay these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds.
'Cause when love is gone, there's always justice.
And when justive is gone, there's always force.
And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi Mom!
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me,
Mom, in your long arms.
In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms.
In your arms.
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms.
Good evening.
This is your Captain.
We are about to attempt a crash landing.
Please extinuish all cigarettes.
Place your tray tables in their upright, locked position.
Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees.
Your Captain says: Put your head on your hands.
Captain says: Put your hands on your head.
Put your hands on your hips.
Heh heh.
This is your Captain-and we are going down.
We are all going down, together.
And I said: Uh oh.
This is gonna be some day.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Uh-this is your Captain again.
You know, I've got a funny feeling
I've seen this all before.
Cause I'm a caveman.
Cause I've got eyes in the back of my head.
It's the heat.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Put your hands over your eyes.
Jump out of the plane.
There is no pilot.
You are not alone.
This is the time.
And this is the
record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much
I saw this guy on the train
And he seemed to have gotten stuck
In one of those abstract trances.
And he was going: "Ugh . . . Ugh . . . Ugh . . . "
And Fred said:
l think he's in some kind of pain.I think it's a pain cry.
And I said: "Pain cry?
Then language is a virus."
Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!
Well I was talking to a friend
And I was saying:
I wanted you.
And I was looking for yov.
But I couldn't find you. I couldn't find you.
And he said: Hey!
Are you talking to me?
Or are you just practicing
For one of those performances of yours?
Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!
He said: I had to write that letter to your mother
And I had to tell the judge that it was you.
And I had to sell the car and go to Florida.
Becaure that's just my way of saying (It's a charm.)
That I love you. And I (It's a job.)
Had to call you at the crack of dawn (Why?)
And list the times that I've been wrong.
Cause that's just my way of saying
That I'm sorry. (It's a job.)
Language! It's a virus!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Maat Magick and the Way of Self Initiation: An Interview with Nema

Nema, the author of Maat Magick, A Guide to Self Initiation (Samual Weiser) visited the Pacific Northwest and brought to us a unique view of how every person can take control of their spiritual evolution and invoke the divine into their daily lives. What follows is a short interview based on some ideas from her book.
Denny: Nema, what exactly is 'Maat Magick?'
Nema: Maat is the ancient Egyptian principle of Truth, justice, honesty and balance; Magick is the science and the Art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will. Maat Magick is a streamlined, contemporary system of initiation through magick ritual with three main aims: personal transformation, species transformation and preparation for non-human communication. It's based on Western esoteric tradition, but borrows freely from any valid spiritual system.
D: What is the source of this material?
N: Maat Magick includes information from the Western Initiated Tradition, the hidden path of Western Spirituality, from writers like Perdurabo, Dion Fortune, A. O. Spare and Kenneth Grant, as well as from my own visionary experiences. The visions that I received that became the central part of Maat Magick were ones I received when I tapped into the Akasha (the Astral) which is the eternal record of everything, past, present and future. Anyone can gain access to the Akasha with the right attitude and approach.
D: Who is this book for? Can everyone use the techniques it explains?
N: This book is for anyone who is dissatisfied with standard answers to the 'Big Questions' or with their present state of consciousness. Yes, everyone can use the techniques which I explain clearly in this book. They can be easily adapted to various situations like physical disability or sensory impairment, if need be.
D: What is 'Self initiation?'
N: Initiation, in the spiritual sense of the word, is the opening of the Self to new knowledge about existence and non-existence as well as knowledge gained from personal experience and intuition. Initiation rituals of various tribes, orders or groups can only be formal acknowledgements of personal attainments. The most one can do for another person's progress in knowledge, understanding and wisdom is to point him or her in the right direction and make encouraging noises!
D: Ok, but say I'm just an average person with an average job and regular concerns, what does all that have to do with me?
N: If you're perfectly satisfied with your life and you don't seek change, there is not much that Maat Magick can do for you. If you suspect that common knowledge only brushes the surface of reality, if you feel that there's more to life than what meets the eye, if you sense a vast Mystery behind appearances (and you yearn to discover that Mystery) then Maat Magick can open doors for you.
D: Maat Magick seems to be concerned with the future, what future possibilities do you see for the Earth?
N: I've seen a number of possible futures for our planet, some are very hopeful for the human race, while others aren't. Some of the dire possibilities include dictatorships, world war, a completely poisoned environment and even an Eden-like world with no people. On the positive side, I've seen futures where we manufacture things an atom at a time through nanotechnology or grown things like plastics from genetically modified plants. The main image, though, is a future Earth with a human race with its Group Unconsciousness fully Awake. That is, we evolve into a species with a 'double consciousness;' that of the individual and that of our Collective Awareness. The goal of Maat Magick is to weigh probability in favor of this positive future.
D: You discuss "extraterrestrial connections' in your book, could you talk about this a bit?
N: I prefer to use the term 'non-human' instead of 'extraterrestrial.' since there are beings awaiting our recognition who are already with us, but invisible to us. The ones who are off-planet come in a wild variety of forms, may of which we presently wouldn't see as life-forms at all. For instance, stars are intelligent entities whose convection currents and fluctuating electromagnetic fields both reflect and enable their thinking. They communicate with each other by light and the rest of the energy spectrum, as well as by 'nonlocal' omnipresence of the quantum-level reality. Time and Space are illusions, and many intelligences take practical advantage of that fact.
One maxim of Maat Magick is: "All that is, lives; all that lives is intelligent." The non-human life I refer to includes our Earthly Kingdoms of animal, vegetable and mineral, the Faerie Folk, the oceans, storms, earthquakes and volcanoes, our entire planet, the moon, angels, ghosts, devas, loa, kami, and other gods and spirits. It also includes those elusive beings who live close to us, just a beat out of our own vibration-level, just around the corner in the next dimension.
Denny Sargent is the author of the books Global Ritualism and The Tao of Birth Days. It should be mentioned, in all fairness, that he is pals with Nema . . .
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Hermetic Diary of a Western Tantric Yogi: Dancing about Architecture
As I am writing this, Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, which is where the Swift One resides in my personal Chart, so it is a placement I am comfortable with. Anyone who knows me well knows well how slippery my speech patterns can be, and since we are essentially "talking about feelings" one could say that this realm is best suited toward poetry, story telling, etc. The reason is that Mercury is primarily concerned with data and details. Watery Pisces, however, is about instincts and feelings. It is interested in fusion and the big picture, which can make Mercury's grasp of facts a little fuzzy. Communication is more impressionistic when Mercury is in Pisces. Feelings are paramount, which can lead to confusion when one is looking for precision, exotic and embroidered--nothing like Ohio which is default for mundane-anywhere, nothing like you dressed up in a blond wig, holding a spoon that you threaten you'll shove down your throat. All of this is untrue. All of it is the first thing you hear on an airplane. After being welcomed with kitty cat cup cakes. Ungodly pink like an underwater plant. After a sweet hello, stupid goodbyes, before Thailand after the rain falls. Finding the words to express the vastness of Pisces can be challenging, as well. Using symbols, images, art and music can be good ways to capture these big concepts that go beyond the boundaries of ordinary language. Not surprisingly, there are many musicians and poets born with Mercury in Pisces. Kurt Cobain, Laurie Anderson, David Byrne, Frank Zappa, Yoko Ono, Alice Cooper, Elvis Costello, George Carlin, William S Burroughs (who once said "Talking about Music is like Dancing about Architecture" which to me seems like a perfectly good thing to do). With this in mind, today saw the arrival of the new Pope, Francis the First. There are many speculations about the identity of the Antichrist. One of the most frequent “victims” of the speculation is the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. In the days of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther and some of the other Reformers were convinced that the Pope of that time was the Antichrist. Pope John Paul II was commonly identified as the Antichrist until his death. Why is this? Is there anything in the Bible that would indicate that a Pope will be the Antichrist? The speculation about the Pope possibly being the Antichrist revolves primarily around Revelation 17:9. Describing the evil end-times system symbolized by a woman riding a beast, Revelation 17:9 declares, “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.” In ancient times, the city of Rome was known as “the city on seven hills” because there are seven prominent hills that surround the city. So, the thinking goes, we can know that it is somehow connected with Rome. Them's some mighty fine meatballs in that pasta. They bounce jubilantly like children with superballs installed in their feet. So, if the evil end-times system is somehow associated with Rome – it does not take much thought to see a potential connection with the Roman Catholic Church, which is centered in Rome. Numerous passages in the Bible describe an “Antichrist” who will lead the anti-Christ movement in the end times (Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:5-8, now there's a Mercury in Pisces piece of writing for ya!). So, if the end-times evil world system is centered in Rome and led by an individual – the Pope is a likely candidate. On a personal level, we will see some expected outcomes suppressed as unforeseen circumstances surface to be resolved, which we are now prepared to do. I have previously brought up the idea of the central pulse coming from the middle of Metaverse at the rate of 22/twenty-two trillion times a second. This pulse does not merely provide a synchronizing ‘beat’ for Metaverse. Such an understanding is severely lacking. Rather this pulse IS Metaverse in the very real sense of the pulse triggering creation. As with anything of this nature, either positive or negative, it comes with it's own atmosphere. It's as if you were in a self contained bubble. The result of this, is that you are denied other perspectives of states you have rejected, in order to reside in states you have accepted. As you move up the ranks of the infernal hierarchy, your awareness of the indwelling potency increases and this works the same in both hierarchies. So, Satan is with you every step of the way,advising, encouraging, suggesting and so forth. There is the promise of a cushy position in the realm of Hell, once one has departed from
this realm; shuffled off that mortal coil and so on and so forth. They fully believe this, even though Satan is called, 'the father of lies'.
They buy into the idea of, “Better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven”. The thing is, as has been stated here many times, 'the devil works
for God'. The Devil functions as instigator and District Attorney. What he really does, is gather evidence, all along the course of the
existence of those who have delivered themselves into his service for personal gain. They do acquire these gains in the course of their tenure. That goes with the territory. Satanists suffer from a form of terminal myopia. Everything really does look a certain way and... for the purpose of demon-stration, it is that way, until it As it happens, this pulse comes 22/twenty-two trillion times a second, and every time it occurs, the Metaverse that consciousness experiences as the ‘material world or universe’ creates itself. That is the pulse comes out of the central point of universe and using no-time, travels instantly to the center of all galaxies, and through them to all other matter in universe down to the level of the perceived atomic solidity, and then each and every ‘atom’ within Metaverse creates itself to the beat of the pulse. A moaning ape reweaves its apparel, like a poor Chilean nun with tanned loins. I've been looking for God for a long time (like I say to people sometimes, “I didn't know he was lost”). Part of the reason for that, was my not understanding the things that had happened to me, from the moment I stepped out on this “sweet, swinging sphere”. Part of the reason was my fascination with all things metaphysical. Part of the reason was the things going on in my heart and another part of the reason, was that God wouldn't have it any other way. On December 21, 2012 we experienced the end of the Mayan long count calendar.what we at metaversal lightcraft refer to as the end of time...On April 10, this calendar starts again. And this time you and I have an opportunity to start time with it. The calendar western culture has lived by for the past 2000 years is seriously flawed. At the time of Pope Gregory the 8th, when it became known as the gregorian calendar, the belief was that the sun circled the earth. When we structure our lives by the artificial rhythm of the clock and 12-month calendar, we expose our central nervous system, and subsequently, our entire mental-emotional body to the frequency of a machine. Reknowned author and scientist Dr. Deepak Chopra (Mercury in Pisces), M.D., has presented studies showing how: the stress of linear time contributes directly to an acceleration of the physical aging process, inclusive of deterioration and disease. In modern industrial living, we wake up by the clock, we eat to the clock - we plan our lives and live our days in accord to the clock. We refer to the clock to program even our most basic of biological functions! Quoting Mark Comings, Quantum Physicist: "The intrinsic folly of this unnecessary yet widely promoted artificial dependance upon machine technology is that it discourages the development of, and even serves to hide the existence of, a vast spectrum of inner capacities - psychic, mental, emotional and spiritual potentials -
that lie dormant within the biological human body in time."
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
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