The communication planet Mercury turned retrograde on Monday, October 21 and will continue moving in reverse until November 10. Astrologers describe this thrice annual event as a period when we tend to make more mistakes. Misunderstood messages, misinterpreted information, technology and travel troubles are expected more frequently during this period. However, this is an extra special Mercury retrograde cycle that presents additional problems as well as unique opportunities.
First, its occurrence in mysterious Scorpio can drive minds deep below the surface to uncover hidden fears and desires, which can be painful but is excellent for gaining psychological insights. It’s vital to work with these uncomfortable truths rather than sweeping them under the rug. Trust is at a premium in this sometimes suspicious sign, so don’t share your secrets or those of others unless you have complete confidence in the person with whom you’re talking. Discretion is a must and when in doubt keep intimate information to yourself until you can express it in complete safety.
Second, Mercury meets stern Saturn, which is in the midst of its two-year stay in Scorpio. The first of their three conjunctions occurred on October 8, the second (and the only one during this retrograde period) is on October 29 and the last is on November 25. This triple transit of mental Mercury and exigent Saturn can force the mind into narrow spaces and manifest itself as depression or doubt. Yet the focus of these aspects can also filter out distractions and enable us to deepen thinking and master critical details.
A key quality of any Mercury retrograde is that it offers second chances to correct errors, reconnect with people and absorb information that we didn’t get the first time around. Doing this in dense dark Scorpio requires us to stay calm in what can feel like threatening situations. True, change is inevitable and in many cases scary, yet the constant movement of the planets is a reminder that life is a dynamic process and that there are times like these when standing still is more dangerous than making changes.
Mercury in Scorpio, retrograde or direct, conjunct Saturn or not, represents the mind of a skeptical researcher. It’s about using negative thinking to get positive results. This is addition by subtraction as we eliminate ideas that don’t serve our needs to make room for those that will. Still, Mercury is a trickster and is especially adept at fooling us when retrograde and in mysterious Scorpio. Therefore, this is a time to learn (or relearn) that thoughts and reality are not the same thing. Our perceptions can mislead us with false clues and erroneous assumptions, which is where the value of a doubting mind comes in. We can and should question facts and conclusions based on what we see and hear.
The truth, or at least a version of it, lies in our emotions. Those feelings that lie below the level of conscious thought and those aspirations that exist beyond the limits of reason are powerful and meaningful forces. Perhaps we can use this Mercury retrograde period to take a step back from the obvious to sense, feel and connect with the unexplainable mysteries in ourselves and in the world around us. Maybe letting go of the intellectual certainty we seek is what it takes to open doors of consciousness to other dimensions. Since the primary explanations we collectively have about human existence are either dimmed with religious faith or limited by scientific analysis it’s time to open new channels of information, and by the force of our will, if necessary. Don’t let doubt and fear extinguish curiosity or allow the walls of the obvious keep us from discovering the deeper answers that we need to face the challenges of these transformational times.
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