Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wednesday May 24th 2017

This is the last day of the Taurus lunar cycle, and Moon is in Taurus, as she was at the New Moon four weeks ago.The current phase is of release, of rest and of closure. The tiny silver crescent barely scratches the sky, and we can more readily connect with the dark.A sextile to compassionate Neptune and a trine to Pluto, planet of alchemy, point to forgiveness and facilitate a deeper look. This evening, I will show you the process of production of the Enochian Angel Paintings, and you can view all 200 before they catch the four winds, and be the first to hear the new Iao Core CD (it's awesome) and take a peek at the new issue of "The Core". Celebrity guests will read excerpts from this issue, and Cash Hose will give a slide presentation/lecture on his recent trip to the Abyss …Will there be fireworks? No, there will not be fireworks, but there’s a young Christian girl (a bastard daughter of yours, if Reverend Glitch is to be believed) who will read from the Core for tips and cheese. You needn’t dress in any but the most perfunctory manner nor bring any crickets (there will be plenty of those!) and I myself will be wearing but a thin military camisole from the pelvic region upwards and may be toting a gecko or two. This event is free of charge and will take place from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at Metaversal Lightcraft in Oakland, California, which may or may not be the arsehole of the universe, but one thing is certain: Art of this almost other-worldly nature could not be created within the confines of the civilized world. It is Art that pleads a kind of lost divine madness a its guiding inspiration. the center will make itself known to those who will be a part of it there and who will find their way there and those who are to be a part of it in another location will also respond to the gravitational pull of Love in evolution, embracing the death of the false, for the endless perpetuation of the real, via the mysterious process of change, which is the dance performed by that which is immortal in us …and is the perceptible part of the divine in demonstration of it.

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